Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dew claw removal controversy.

As with everything, there is always two schools of thought. With dew claw removal, heated discussions go on and on. For me, I believe you should look at the breed AND what this breed will be doing.

Dew Claws do have a mission. They are an apendage - like a toe and they do have a function. Their biggest contribution is in balance. This 'extra' toe helps a dog when taking sharp turns - sort of like using your boot when on a motocycle. But this toe can also have a bothersome side. Many hunting dogs have had it caught in underbrush resulting in severe bleeding, incredible pain with expensive surgery to repair/remove the remaining parts of it. If my Labradoodles were being used for a career in agility, herding, or a racing prospect, I would keep them on, but this is not the case.

The argument goes on that many hunting dogs, etc. do not have them removed and many never have an injury so the risk is considered minimal and the early removal of the claw 'distasteful, like tail docking'. I cannot disagree with this. However, with the Labradoodle comes frequent grooming. I can't tell you the statistics, but I have heard the many complaints about 'how the groomer cut into my dog's dew claw and it bled and bled and the groomer felt awful'. Trust me, so did the dog - it HURTS! And the dog becomes clipper shy.

So, I want the customers of Annabelle Doodles to know that I do have them removed to prevent accidents of all types irregardless of the percentage. Yes, it does pinch when done at a day old, but mommy is near for comfort and her warm tongue gets them right as rain in no time.

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