Friday, September 16, 2011

When something is not what it seems....

In yesterdays mail, I received this very nice letter from the 'National Association of Professional Woman' - NAPW explaining to me that my 'membership' was approved. Huh?

This just makes me wonder how I 'became invited'. I was never contacted nor did I ask to be considered. Since neither occurred, I asked myself just how 'special' is this letter? Is it sent to thousands and thousands of women across the country at random? If so, it diminishes its impact and is definitely misleading as I did nothing to warrant this invitation.

Perhaps other women/breeders would be gushing with enthusiasm to have received such a glowing invite . I guess, I am so traditional, that I believe you need to earn such recognition through much effort and achievement not simply as a result of a mass mailing!

Oh, did I mention that it included a stamped return card to join its membership? I had to smile that any woman would see this as anything more than a marketing ploy.

I wanted to post this here to show the general public that 'not all accolades' published on a website have value. Sometimes, it is just more marketing rhetoric.

I 'filed' it in the circular bin. I much prefer a personal communication from my clients telling me they are happy with the quality and service of my program. :+)


  1. I took a very quick look at their site, and the first thing I thought is that someone you have crossed paths with recommended you for membership. Other than that, I can only think they were "cold calling" via the mail. The thing is, you aren't that easy to find, at least through your breeding work. Which is why I thought the invite might have come through someone you've met.

    Would have gone into the circular file in my home, too :-)

  2. If someone recommended me, I would have thought they would let me know. Then, I might have been honored because of the 'personal' accolade.
