Monday, February 6, 2012

Ahhhhhhh.... a massage and make up. :+)

What a beautiful day it was outside this afternoon.  Like all new mothers, a break of fresh air and some sunshine does wonders.

It was time for a bit of pampering for Clara, so I quickly gave her a fast trim and a brushing as all mom's need a bit of a 'vanity boost' after giving birth.  :+)  She delighted in it and then we went outside for some of that great sunshine and fresh clean air.


  1. She is such a sweet, beautiful mama! We all love the photo of her with her new pups, smiling, as usual. It was very reminiscent of her last litter. One of the first photos you posted of her with her last 3 pups was a "smiling" photo. She clearly loves being a mother! Glad she and Olive are getting along well, too. What a lovely maternity ward you have up there :-)

    1. I will certainly miss having Clara here for babies, so I am going to doubly enjoy her last litter for us. Plus, I am hopeful there will be a guardian home for one of her precious girls to continue her DNA. One that I hope will capture that same face and smile. :+)
