Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Figgy came for a visit and a grooming today.

I just LOVE her face!
A bit of her muzzle, ear tips and tail still have a tiny bit of the chocolate color she was born with.
This color is called Lavender and some breeders call it cafe`.  Whatever it is, I call it STUNNING!
Figgy is very happy to be done with her grooming and clip.  :+)
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  1. Just look at that face...your doodles are the cutest, Joyce!

  2. Thanks! Figgy is a charmer. :+) I hope to get one similar to her from my upcoming Pearl x Coriander mating.

  3. Such a sweet face. Thanks for posting. It is nice to see how the colors can change. What a really pretty color. So hard to believe that Figgy's coat started out chocolate.
