Friday, December 13, 2013

NELLIE BLY has her permanent home - THANK YOU, Santa!

Merry Christmas to me and this family!
Nellie has found her permanent Guardian Home.
There is a wonderful ending to the sad event of Nellie's first placement having to give her up due to family circumstances.  I am sure Ro will be happy to know that Miss Nellie Bly is happily bonding with her new family. This lucky girl is now living in a private school campus surrounded by other dogs and doodles, tons of kids and activities with a stay at home mom.  Everyone is smitten by this special girl and she is getting lots of attention and playtime with her human siblings.

Going for lots of walks and experiencing all kinds of new smells and sights, Nellie is a happy girl. She loves playing in the snow with her kids and especially catching snowballs.

Christmas IS full of miracles and we all just witnessed one.  Thanks so much for every one's support and I know that all of you will have smiles on your faces when you read this updated post.

PS - As stated above, I so appreciated every one's positive comments when an 'anonymous' poster was rude  but have eliminated the original post now that Nellie has her permanent home.


  1. What a wonderful new addition to the story of Nellie Bly :-) A private school campus up in your neck of the woods seems like such a great spot for any dog or pup! Its a happy outcome for everyone. Congratulations all!

  2. We are all so pleased that it turned out the way it did. Always a silver lining in a dark cloud! :+)

  3. Indeed, we have a smile on our face!!! So, so, so happy for Ms. Nellie Bly. To meet Nellie is to love Nellie! She is a dear soulful sweetheart! Joyce you have such a wonderful way of making absolutely sure that your pups have the very best of guardian homes. Kudos to you. Nellie will bring lots of happiness to this family.
    Smiling, Roxann

  4. Thank you, Rox! Lots of social activity is right up Nellie's alley and this family has a large social circle. I am sure it is a terrific match. :+)

  5. So happy for Nellie and her guardian family, what a great Christmas present!
