Saturday, August 15, 2015

Nellie's pups spend some time out in the puppy play-yard today.

Here are some candid shots of the pups enjoying some 'free time' with Nellie and Daisy out in the play yard. Daisy will take over the full time duties of training the pups about doggie language as Nellie goes back to her guardian family tomorrow.

George and mom synchronized walking!

YES! Abigail does have eyes and romps around.

Nellie teaching some of the pups manners.

SNACK TIME! Daisy is a wannabe momma.

'These are the rules: no teeth on nipples, no jumping.........'

Ben has two mommies telling him what to do.

George talking a stroll on the turf.

Betsy in the cart and Abigail waiting her turn.

Betsy with her 'sleepy eyes'.

Ben moseying along.

'Who, me'? Molly's face says it all.



  1. It looks like they are all having fun! Daisy will be a great surrogate mummy.. She can teach them her cuddly ways!

  2. Daisy seems to have great nurturing instincts. Hopefully, she uses them well when she has a litter. I do love her attentiveness with puppies. :+)
