Friday, September 25, 2015

Received great news last night that our Lil Abner...

has passed his Canine Good Citizenship test! I am so pleased and a big SHOUT OUT to his guardian for working so hard for this achievement!

Abner is a smart little guy and knows it. His guardian has stayed on task and I wish they would give her a Blue Ribbon!!  :+)

Here is my little man looking pretty smug after his first professional hair cut. Testing (and new pics) will be done on him next month. I sure hope he will become a stud for ADNE.

Lil Abner at 6 months. Miniature size.


  1. Yah!!!!!! Way to go Lil Abner! So proud of this boy!

  2. I am sure all those trips for playdates with Mac Gregor has certainly helped Abner be very social! :+)
