Monday, September 5, 2016

Nellie 2 x Emmett - Individual Day 1 pics.

Please note that each Monday I will be updating pics unless my schedule makes it not possible. I can't guarantee what time it will be done, so you will have to check often!

To begin, here are their one day old pics.  :+)

Purple Girl - Day 1

Teal Girl - Day 1

Blue Boy - Day 1

Red Girl - Day 1

Pink Girl - Day 1

Phantom Girl - Day 1


  1. Yes they are amazing, it will be fun to watch their progress

  2. Congratulations Nellie, I hope Tate does as good a job next week when she whelks.

    1. I know Tate will be a trooper. She may not like to eat like, Nellie, but she sure will be a great mom. :+)

  3. Joyce- I'm anxious to see a better photo of Phantom girl - I've been reading about phantom labradoodles! I can see some brown and white in her paw but are there other markings elsewhere? I take it that there's some special genetics involved with these rare ones.
