Friday, July 7, 2017

Update on Gunny!

This morning, Gunny and I went to our vet to get an x-ray to see how many pups she should have. Surprisingly, we saw six!  Let's hope all goes well and they are all born healthy.

Her whelping area is in place and supplies on stand by. Her belly is quite 'active' with babies moving about when she is 'belly up' on the couch insisting on stomach rubs.  :+)


  1. Oh, it's almost time. I bet they will be just precious! I'm sure you enjoy the time between litters, but I always look forward to another litter to watch from afar.

  2. You are such an ADNE fan! :+) Gunny is not moving too quickly today and her appetite is not as 'ravenous'. Maybe within 24 hours, we will have 'action'.
