Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Surgeries today! MORNING AFTER PICS!

Early this morning, eight of the pups and I traveled to my vet for their surgeries. This was their second 'big' car trip this week. Friday is their last trip before they go home.  They have done very well in the car, so I am happy about that!

I picked them up early this evening as they also need to recoup and be able to urinate before leaving the vet facilities.

In the meantime, Ms. Sadie Benz has been home alone but she is such a good girl and kept herself perfectly entertained with toys and put herself in a crate for a nap. She happily watched me vacuum the pup area of leaves and debris, disinfect it and stack the play-yard toys in one area for their winter location.

Now that the pups are home, their play space will be quite limited until pick up. They will need to be monitored for 10 days which means more quiet time than 'rough-housing'. Yes, walks are fine and holding is fine but children definitely need to be supervised as the surgery heals.  They bounce back very quickly and want to wrestle and rock and roll, but 'surgery is surgery' and having them with their owner is far better for healing than the temptation of wrestling with 9 siblings!  It truly is impossible for me to prevent them from frolicking.  I guess if they were locked up in a crate all day and night and that would limit their space but just promote anxiety and loud barking - both of which I want to prevent.  Gentle playing is just fine, you just don't want them running hard for a ball or jumping all over the place as that will impair healing and possibly open up the surgical site and cause an infection. So, please follow the instruction sheet provided to you at pick up.

It is too late to post pics but I will tomorrow so you can see that they are all fine.  Rosie, Maggie and Piper are still under the effects of anesthesia and did not want to eat, just sleep.  This is when you follow their lead and leave them in an open crate.  I will offer them some food later if they are up.

Once again, I am grateful to my vets and their technicians for their surgical expertise and kindness to my pups.


The sun is shining and they are outdoors enjoying it.

They will only have access to these outdoor pens until they go home to keep their activity to a minimum.

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