Friday, March 16, 2018


Are we excited about green beer and eggs yet?  St. Patty's Day is upon us and the pups just had to at least have on their green Leprechaun Hat in celebration!

So happy the third week is upon us. Pups can 'shuffle about' now. They keep their heads and nose close to the floor along with their bodies because this is a brand new ability. By week four, they are wanting more room for exploring and are gaining some confidence. They are not neonates (newborns) any longer and can see and hear decently. 

I shared pics of their new quarters yesterday and some are actually using the litter box! I expect 'hit or miss' at this time, but continue to place them in it after eating and when I wake them up by sitting in their area and patting them.  They continue to be a content group.  :+)

Purple Girl - 2  1/2 lbs. Apricot

Blue Boy - 2  1/2 lbs. Caramel

Green Boy - 2  1/4 lbs. Apricot

Rainbow Girl - 2  1/2 lbs.  Caramel Abstract

Teal Boy - 2  1/2 lbs. Chocolate/Cafe

Orange Boy - 2 3/4 lbs. Apricot Abstract


  1. Can I have one of each?!!!!! What adorable faces!

  2. They are only going to get cuter and cuter as they grow. Love this point onward 'cause I can watch them discover each other and do 'face wrestling'- so darn fun to watch!
