Monday, April 22, 2019

Ever heard of BONE BROTH?

I have read numerous reasons for making the above for both people and pets.  So, I decided to make some myself.  I want to give it especially to my older doodles to benefit their joints, ligaments and bones.  However, I also plan to give it to my mommas and their babies because of the enormous nutrition it provides.

Today, I purchased an Insta Pot.  A sort of new gadget that is like a pressure cooker on steroids.  Using a crock pot will take about 24 hours to produce a bone broth and some of the broth will be 'steamed' off during that long process.  The Insta Pot will give you Bone Broth in 2  1/2 hours - I like efficiency.  :+) 

Several of my breeder friends have these Insta Pots and swear by them.  Many have bought two - one for their two legged family and a second for the four-legged ones.  It might be worth your while to investigate this 'cooker' and continue making Bone Broth for nutrition, keeping allergies at bay, losing weight (Bone Broth Diet for humans), prevent gut leakage, increase digestive juices, helpful for inflammation and general overall health.

You can research the benefits of Bone Broth for yourself, at your leisure.  I just thought it was worth posting about.  :+)

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