Wednesday, June 28, 2023

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYBODY! Bellamy x Duckie Litter - 8 weeks!!!

The eighth week has arrived and what a week it will be!  Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the Fourth of July holiday will have some sun.  So many are traveling to see family and those darn showers have really been a bummer so far!

Today, the weather did NOT provide sunshine but...I did manage to get their pics done after the first downpour and did not risk waiting too long before the next might come.  They predicted thunder showers hence the hustle!

Please take this week to read my contract with regard to your vet appt., also Spay Secure. Check out trainers, veterinarians and a groomer.  Call your vet to set up an appointment NOW - do not wait until you pick up your pup!  You have 7 days from July 9th to have your pup vet checked to comply with the contract.  Most vets have long lead times to do 'normal' health checks.  Don't forget a stool sample (and a treat) when you bring your pup to the appointment.

Yes, the pups have gone out in the rain.  I am sad that it has not been warm enough to introduce them to the kiddie pool but we may get a day of heat and sunshine.  Our grand-daughters (4) will wear them out quite a bit over the next week or so.  They can hardly wait.  :+). All are eating FROMM GOLD PUPPY kibble in the pink and gold bag.  Have it ready at your home.  This variety HAS grain in it as it should.  DO NOT feed your pup grain free food, please.  The Honest Kitchen is another quality product that I highly  recommend.  It looks like dried oatmeal but isn't - just add some broth or water, stir and you are all set.  The pups have eaten that as well.

The litter is now 'rowdy'.  They are nipping like crazy, chewing, grabbing and being hooligans!  It is normal pup behavior - get ready for it.  Find your trainer so you can nip this behavior asap.  They are also sweet, cuddly and love attention.  :+)

Yellow Girl is quite unique.  She has a 'ghost' phantom pattern.  If you look closely at the pic,
you can see her reddish shadows near her eyebrows, a bit on her muzzle and legs.  It will not be as evident as Pink Girl's pattern but it is there.  An outdoorsy type that would do well in an active home.

Lt. Blue Boy is an easy going kind of fellow who enjoys a good wrestle or tug game but just as content 
to snuggle and watch a movie while you scratch his belly.  

Green Boy really needs a more quiet home.  He likes to chill and cuddle.  A 'fraternity' atmosphere is
not his ball of wax.  Gentle introductions, a nice walk and lots of love is his mantra.

Red Girl is bulky but also squishy.  Loves a warm lap, good food, a gentle hand and sometimes a 'good ol' tugging match' to get the blood flowing....then a nap.

Navy Boy is a bit on the soft side.  A gentle approach and patience and he will be your loyal companion.
Definitely enjoys patting but not rough housing unless he initiates it.  
A well managed household would suit him perfectly .

The phantom girl - Miss Pink!  A tiny thing that 'roars like a lion'.  Loves to be the center of attention whether she initiates a wrestle or is being slam dunked!  Small but mighty!  Is curious, attentive,
smart and enjoys being 'The Apple of Someone's Eye'.  I would say she is a bit of a show off. :+)

Unless I hear from my trainer (sick) within the next couple of days, I will be assigning these pups myself by the weekend.  I definitely embrace my trainers input but given the situation, need to move forward.  I do have two pups available if you know of anyone looking.  Two buyers bowed out due to their own situations and I understood.  No one knows what is happening at any given time and flexibility is necessary.

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