Saturday, July 18, 2015

OK! My last 'official' photoshoot of the Piper x Dublin litter at 9 weeks old. (whew!)

Yes, it has come down to the wire with this litter of ten - my largest ever. Picture day is quite the job - especially when you need to do it between the raindrops as I did today.

Your pups are nine full weeks and full of 'puppydom'. They yell like banshees when I prepare food - you would think I was starving them! Food disappears faster than a drop of water on a hot frying pan.

Every time I open the gate, I need to keep a sharp eye on Scout because he shoots through it like a bullet! He loves to explore the kitchen and say 'hello' to the adult doodles. :+) Most of them settle quickly once they are in the smaller pens. Some complain longer than others but ALL settle down and take a nap. If you must use ear plugs, buy them. You certainly can 'ease the pain' of crate training if you use a Kong with some peanut butter or cream cheese swiped in it for comfort food.

They are in the pens at night by 8 pm. They are generally making noise between 5 and 6 am. My suggestion is to follow your own schedule but be sure to take them out at 10:00 pm or so for a potty break and put right back in. By doing this, your pup should be dry until 5 am or so. I must say the pups wait until I get them out (around 6 - 6:30 am) to go poop!

The girls will be getting their spays and microchips on Wednesday this week. The boys are all set but the girls will need to be watched for any redness, etc. for a few more days after pick up. Swelling occurs often but it goes down eventually.

HUNTER 7 lbs.

RIGGER 6 3/4 lbs.

FREYA 8 1/2 lbs.

LIZZIE 6 3/4 lbs.

RILEY 7 lbs.
OLLIE 7 lbs.

THEO 8 1/2 lbs.

CALLI MEADOW 5 3/4 lbs.
SCOUT 7 lbs.

HANK 7 3/4 lbs.

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