Saturday, July 21, 2018

Curious Jonnie finally gets to check out Daisy and pups.

Jonnie is beyond intrigued with what is going on in the pup room.  Several times, I have found her in the room and quickly removed her and put up a barrier.  I watched Daisy's reactions closely.  Daisy is an extremely tolerant doodle with a soft, gentle nature.  She never did anything to Jonnie's 'infractions' except to body block her.

Today, however, was too cute to not capture.  Watching Daisy's nonchalant attitude with Jonnie around gave me the signal I was looking for. 

Jonnie looked at me as if to say 'Can I watch?'

Maybe Jonnie is getting some lessons for the future?
I always have a plexiglass barrier that Daisy can easily jump over to keep the puppies in their safe zone.  This allows Jonnie to watch them but not mingle with them quite yet.

Jonnie and I continue to work on rewarding proper behavior.  When she comes to me and sits, she is praised and rewarded.  When she comes to me right away when I call her name, reward.  When I ask her to go 'In Your Crate' and promptly sits, she gets her bowl of food with praise.  If she doesn't do it right away, I wait until she does and reward.   This gentle type of training is great for a young pup that cannot go to training classes yet.  By not rewarding jumping on you, tugging your pants, biting your fingers, etc., the pup learns that proper behavior begets great benefits and unwelcome behavior gets you nothing. 

Positive praise is interaction and attention that your pup thrives on and forms a great bonding experience. :+)


  1. Congratulations on all of your new puppies! Jonnie is a little bitty cutie!

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. Jonnie is an itty bitty but smart as a whip and lots of fun!
