Monday, May 4, 2020

Whew! A busy day! (Sadie x Boomer Litter)

Bright and early this morning, we were off to the vets for the pups' first Distemper and Parvo Virus vaccine with a full check up for their Health Certificates.  It is still curbside service at my vets but the vet techs were quite delighted to carry the fur babies inside and assist the vet.

Here is a pic of them as I put them in the car for the visit:

From left to right:  Raven, Maeby, Harper, Angus, Layla and Millie.  I think they were eager to get going!

There was a bit of squawking for the first few minutes and then they were great.  I am so happy that none of them vomited or even salivated for the half hour ride.  Good babies!

Then, in the afternoon, we headed to the canine opthalmologist for their eye exams.  I packed their 'wagon' so all could go in at once to be examined.  I still could not go in but I was thrilled that they were taking appointments!  My last group of pups could not be examined because they were only taking emergencies.  I was so disappointed.

They fit!  What an adorable way to travel and be admired.  :+)

Here they are being returned by the vet tech.  I was so pleased that each one had a perfect eye exam result.  A great day!  

'We were PERFECT mom!'

We are all home and I am ready to put my feet up.  :+)


  1. The view from from back of the car is always so cute❤️
    But the pile of puppies in the wagon really got me today! 🥰

  2. I LOVE a wagon full of puppies. My husband was able to repurpose an old x-pen to make the cage they are in. I painted it and 'voila'! A perfect way to move pups. :+)

  3. So glad everything went well- they look so adorable!
