Monday, October 12, 2020


 I love the fourth week.  Pups are becoming little dogs and with that some things may frighten them initially but they are also learning to overcome those fears.  It takes some patience but all of them eventually figure it out.  To help with this, I put in different types of toys in their sleeping area for them to explore.  Sometimes it is a ball that makes sounds, or a large stuffed animal.  Other times, it is a toy that has rattles attached to it or even a kids toy that speaks!  All these items are intentionally placed to 'startle and recover'.  It helps build on their confidence level with new things.  

There is more interest in the gruel and it will become welcomed in a big way by the end of the week.  I have included a small bowl of water in their pen to help them 'wet their lips' instead of needing Brinkley simply for thirst.

Today's pics are from 'the jungle' complete with a vicious leopard sporting a cute ID Flower 'collar'. :+)

Miss Pink is 3 pounds this week!  I believe she is thankful that Miss Leopard is her friend.

Miss Ebony weighs 3 1/4 pounds today and wants to be properly 'distanced' from her new friend.

Miss Purple is 3 1/2 pounds and is ready for a nap irregardless of Miss Leopard.

Mr. Green is a chunk (4 pounds) and not at all intimidated by Miss Leopard.

MR Orange is 3 1/4 pounds and would prefer to ignore Miss Leopard.

'Hey Miss Leopard, wanna hold my hand?' Mr. Red at 3 3/4 pounds.

'Did you say there is a LEOPARD behind me?'  Mr. Blue weighs 3 pounds.  :+)


  1. They are getting so big! I have been studying up on how to socialize the pup when we bring him/her home. Sounds like you are giving them a big head start. Thanks!

  2. What little dumplings they are!
    It really is a turning point. You can see evidence of different personalities in these shots.
    I love something about each of them 💖

  3. oh my gosh. they are the sweetest.

  4. They are so sweet and all just beautiful
