Thursday, July 11, 2024

A very important post on CHEMICAL FREE Flea & Tick prevention.

As most can tell from my website, I have a more 'holistic' approach to diet, flea prevention, vaccines and life in general. :+) HOWEVER, this product, whose link I am providing, is simply the best product on the market for BOTH dogs, cats and kids! 

 May I present to you this link: 

 I do hope all of my clients, past, present and future click on the above and read, observe, ask qustions and explore all the links on this product. It is by far, a marvelous invention and NO CHEMICAL BASE to tax the health of your companion, children or adults. 

 I have been using Cataan tags on my doodles for a few years now and am amazed at its effectiveness. Plus, it can be put on your pup IMMEDIATELY to prevent all fleas, ticks, etc. All chemical base products have an 'age' date of when it can be applied - not Cataan. Don't you think using these chemical products over the many years of your companions life have a health impact? 

 I do hope you consider purchasing one of these tags for your new 'furbaby'. 

 P.S. I get absolutely no kickbacks for promoting these tags - I just want to suggest a different and truly effective alternative to chemicals.

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