Monday, July 29, 2024

Always be ready for option #2!!

 Sometimes you just need to follow your gut!

After another night of no sleep for Lucie or me, I sort of felt the need to speak to my vet.  So, I put out an email to the office late last night.  Promptly at 8 am, my phone rang.  After our conversation, they asked me to bring Lucie in.  I had suspected, it might be a good idea for a c-section and after a check up, blood draw, ultra sound, etc., my vet agreed.  So, we were going to be included in today's schedule but I had to wait - NO PROBLEM!

At almost noon time, Lucie went in for her surgery.  I waited and waited.  Eventually, I was asked if I wanted to see the pups being resuscitated, cleaned, weighed, suctioned, temperature tested and 'sanitized'. It was a wonderful experience.  About six techs were assisting Dr. Kelleher as they found their vocal cords!!  TEN, not eleven, darling pups were welcomed into the world - Sooo happy the pups and TIRED momma are doing well.

I will do my best to post pics tomorrow.  This momma needs some sleep too.  :+) 

1 comment:

  1. Exciting news! I'm so happy to hear that Mama Lucie and all her puppies are doing well. Hope you all get some rest! <3
