Monday, September 30, 2024

Pics of my last litter for ADNE. My retirement litter goes home! (BEAN has been added!)

 I am thrilled that my very last litter has gone home to wonderful families that I know will cherish each moment they have with their new pup!  Like bringing home your first baby, there will be a lot to learn, mistakes will be made as well as memories of 'puppyhood'.  The first few months are never easy but, if done right, will render lifetime rewards.   :+) 

Thankfully, the day was great so my first segment of pick ups was in the morning and the pups were eager to say hello to all!

So much fun for both people and puppies!

They could have been here all day, but the 'show' must go on so I had to herd them in.  :+)

After pups and new owners enjoyed the interaction outdoors, I asked all to come indoors to go over their Pup Booklet, finish any paperwork that needed to be completed, answer questions and then take photos:

On Friday, my New Jersey family made the trek to welcome yet another ADNE doodle to their home.  Doodles, Albert and Leo, await their newest 'brother' with the illustrious name of
 'Professor Finegan P. Fass', who was Green Boy.

Isn't Miss Lucie a lucky girl to have one of her sons live with her and family?  The Baker's welcome INDY (Red Boy) with open arms and lots of smiles.

Another long hauler from New York could hardly wait to cuddle with FINLEY, (Blue Boy).  Karen was very lucky to have her sister with her on the trip.  I am sure she did not mind snuggling
with this cutie for a few miles, right?  :+)

Miss Annie (Pink Girl) is very fortunate to have her sister, Mollie, practically living across from her for lots of wrestling and companionship.  What a lucky turn of events for her and her new owner, Nancy. :+)

And, here comes Mollie (Rose Girl)!  She can't wait for Annie to show her all the fun and activity they will share each week as they adjust to new surroundings, places and things!  Terri and Tom
are going to have lots of snuggles with this little charmer!

Yellow Boy, the poster child, is now named 'ONO'.  I think his namesake is going to be said often.  :+)
He has an ADNE brother at home to welcome him.  I bet there will be a good dose of shenanigans!!

'WILLOW' aka Teal Girl.  Such a softie who will thoroughly enjoy lots of snuggles on Louise's lap.  It was so great when she attended a visit to see the pups with her brother Luc & wife that she decided to get one as well.  So nice to have family close by when you need a pup sitter! :+)
Bean aka  Orange Boy, is now with his family after being with my trainer for a week.  I am told he is doing very well!  They all look very happy!  :+)

Also, a number of my litter customers like to have their own personal FB page of the litter siblings.  Luc Bergeron who is the owner of Augustus (Brown Collar Tri-colored Boy) has volunteered to do this for your group.  It is a wonderful way to share the 'good, bad and ugly days of raising a new pup.  Owners with more dog experience can offer help and guidance with newbies and to also share in the joys of having a pup.  Please send me an email if you would like to join this FB group as many people read my blog and I don't want to just put out a private email.  Okay??

FIN, (Black Collar). Tiny in size but huge in heart and spirit.  I bottle fed this little guy for more than a week because he simply could not beat out his bigger siblings for one of Mom's 8 nipples.  He would wiggle his little nose so much when he smelled the bottle coming - utterly adorable.  

This couple was smitten with him from the moment he climbed onto Scott's lap.  I sure hope FIN and their other dog, Teddy become buddies. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024


 Today, the first pup, Green Boy - now named 'Professor Finnegan P. Fass', will be picked up and will travel several hours to New Jersey.   If you read the '8th Week' on this blog, you will notice that we have a Fin, Finley and a Finnegan!  Amazing each one similar but different!!  :+). It is like the many alike but none the exact same.  Correlation??

Finnegan will be enjoying the company of a very savvy doodle family who has had four ADNE doodles!  Albert, still kicking at 14 years and Leo, who is around 6 years.  When I announced this was my last litter, they did not hesitate and was onboard quickly.  I am sure Finnegan will have an incredible home to greet Albert and give Leo a 'partner in crime'.  :+)

Tomorrow morning at 11 am is the first round of pick ups, then the second at 2 pm.   :+)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Whew, we are now back home, the pups have been fed and are now napping.

They were wonderful both to and from their adventure.  They all did remarkably well.  My trainer was so awesome - she actually put-up fencing outside her patio area so they could be outside enjoying the sunshine, toys and grounds as we tested each pup (one by one)!  It was certainly not expected and I came prepared, but boy was it a welcome site!   Judy always goes the extra mile! :+). We left at 8 am and returned home around 1:30 pm - so a long day.

I forgot my camera, so had to use my cell phone to take some pics.  However, it needs to charge.  So, I am hoping that I will be able to post some pics later on to this post.  

Now we wait, - impatiently - I am sure. :+)

Okay, I did my best but it was not good enough - the pics are AWFUL!  I do hate cell phones because I am so awful with them!  Grrrr....  all that time wasted!  

My apologies.  :+(

Monday, September 23, 2024

IT IS WEEK 8 - Lucie x Diesel Litter!

 What a week it will be too!  Busy, busy!

Today, the pups will be having their vet appointment for their Health Certificates, etc.  So, we shall see how they do in the car and at the vets.  I will try to take pics.  :+)

Tomorrows adventure is to my trainer for some temperament testing - a much longer drive and strange surroundings - again will hope to take some pics to share.

The rest of the week will be preparations for Pick Up Day on Sunday.  Lots of paperwork, phone calls and organizing.  DON'T FORGET TO HAVE NAMES READY!!!  I know, I know you don't have your assigned pup yet but you all have visited and met them and gave me your favorites .  :+). You can do it!  The weights on the pups this week is from the vet's office, so quite accurate!  :+)

These cuties are preparing their suit case:

Red Boy  - INDY BAKER is 5.46 lbs. About the same poundage as a bag of sugar and just as sweet!

Yellow Boy - ONO SEEBECK is 5.48 lbs.  I don't think there is another male that wears a bow tie better!

Teal Girl  - WILLOW BERGERON weighs 4.74 lbs.  Gazing toward the sky......a real gentle sort.

Orange Boy - BEAN aka Beanie SCOTT is 5.08 lbs.  Too handsome for his britches! 

Brown Boy - AUGUSTUS GLOOP BERGERON aka GUS is a sturdy one at 6.2 lbs.  
So calm and laid back.

Rose Girl - MOLLY WRIGHT is a tiny thing at 3.8 lbs.  That does NOT mean she is a wall'flower'!  
She can wrestle with the best of them!

Blue Boy - FINLEY TURESKI is at 4.5 lbs.  A cuddle bug with some spunk.

Black Boy - FIN ANCTIL, a munchkin at 3.3 lbs.  He sports his bow tie with panache!

Green Boy - PROFESSOR FINNEGAN P. FASS Knowles, weighs 4.5 lbs.  He is the most active of the group and cannot wait to play!

Pink Girl  - 'ANNIE' is at 5.24 lbs.  Yes, she is a Diva.  Smart & confident.   :+)

The ride to the vets went pretty well with just a small bit of vocalization.  Of course, the driver behind me seeing all those cute faces looking out the window must have made their day!  :+). 

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and had to take this pic when I got home!  If you look really hard, you will see the 10th pup's partial head and paw between the two apricot and white pups on the right.

Another excursion tomorrow!  :+)

Monday, September 16, 2024


 Oh what a morning!  For once, I was able to get the morning started from the getgo with pictures!  The pups were very cooperative for our Week 7 segment.  :+)

I decided to do our Blue Buggy theme today.  As you all know there are many pieces of equipment in the Pup area.  After this litter, they will all have to find a new home but till then, we all still enjoy them - especially the pups!

Here is today's 'excursion'!

Yep, hands on the wheel in the 10 & 2 position.  5 3/4 lbs

'You want me to drive this jalopy??'  I don't think so!   4 3/4 bs.

"um..I am not so sure about this'.   5 1/2 lbs.

'Hi everybody!  Look what I am doing!! I GOT this!   4 1/4 lbs.

'I wonder if there is cruise control?'   4 1/2 lbs.

'This is a piece of cake you guys!'   4 1/2 lbs.

'Is there something in the road?  Where are the BRAKES?'   4 lbs.

'Where is the GPS on this thing?'  3 lbs.

'Lovely day, blue skies but I MUST change these tunes!   4 1/4 lbs.

'WHAT am I doing in the TRUNK???'   2/1/2 lbs.

Let's not forget our visitors!  Lots of smiles and cuddles!  Keep them coming!!  Lots of socialization is SO important at this stage.  :+)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cannot resist showing this pic!

 I had Red Boy on my lap, who is typically a pup who likes to be sniffing about and one of our pup visitors snapped this shot.  I guess Red Boy enjoys a massage as well as anyone. :+)

Friday, September 13, 2024

More pics from our visitors for you to enjoy today!

 The pups had such a good time!  They love the open space AND having people oohing and ahhing over them.  :+)