Monday, September 23, 2024

IT IS WEEK 8 - Lucie x Diesel Litter!

 What a week it will be too!  Busy, busy!

Today, the pups will be having their vet appointment for their Health Certificates, etc.  So, we shall see how they do in the car and at the vets.  I will try to take pics.  :+)

Tomorrows adventure is to my trainer for some temperament testing - a much longer drive and strange surroundings - again will hope to take some pics to share.

The rest of the week will be preparations for Pick Up Day on Sunday.  Lots of paperwork, phone calls and organizing.  DON'T FORGET TO HAVE NAMES READY!!!  I know, I know you don't have your assigned pup yet but you all have visited and met them and gave me your favorites .  :+). You can do it!  The weights on the pups this week is from the vet's office, so quite accurate!  :+)

These cuties are preparing their suit case:

Red Boy  - INDY BAKER is 5.46 lbs. About the same poundage as a bag of sugar and just as sweet!

Yellow Boy - ONO SEEBECK is 5.48 lbs.  I don't think there is another male that wears a bow tie better!

Teal Girl  - WILLOW BERGERON weighs 4.74 lbs.  Gazing toward the sky......a real gentle sort.

Orange Boy - BEAN aka Beanie SCOTT is 5.08 lbs.  Too handsome for his britches! 

Brown Boy - AUGUSTUS GLOOP BERGERON aka GUS is a sturdy one at 6.2 lbs.  
So calm and laid back.

Rose Girl - MOLLY WRIGHT is a tiny thing at 3.8 lbs.  That does NOT mean she is a wall'flower'!  
She can wrestle with the best of them!

Blue Boy - FINLEY TURESKI is at 4.5 lbs.  A cuddle bug with some spunk.

Black Boy - FIN ANCTIL, a munchkin at 3.3 lbs.  He sports his bow tie with panache!

Green Boy - PROFESSOR FINNEGAN P. FASS Knowles, weighs 4.5 lbs.  He is the most active of the group and cannot wait to play!

Pink Girl  - 'ANNIE' is at 5.24 lbs.  Yes, she is a Diva.  Smart & confident.   :+)

The ride to the vets went pretty well with just a small bit of vocalization.  Of course, the driver behind me seeing all those cute faces looking out the window must have made their day!  :+). 

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and had to take this pic when I got home!  If you look really hard, you will see the 10th pup's partial head and paw between the two apricot and white pups on the right.

Another excursion tomorrow!  :+)