Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving was wonderful!

 We were so blessed to have family to share it with.  Grandchildren enjoyed carving 'swords' with uncles and then playing with them; the dinner was wonderful and all was on time and general conversation was both engaging and spirited!  :+)

Now, it is time to go full speed ahead with our Christmas preparations!  Having one of our children still here provided extra hands to help with outdoor decorations and some more 'clean up' in our poultry business to put all the equipment away and clean up for our spring 2021 opening.  We are looking forward to the winter break.

Elsie's litter will be here in another week or so, so getting the house ready for the holiday is in full swing and I just may be done in time for her delivery - I can wish anyway!

As always, I look forward to the delightful surprises as each enters this world.  All are sold, so please don't think there is availability.  Those on her list know who they are and will be contacted when the delivery is done.

Please take the time to enjoy this wonderful time of the year.  Enjoy your families and be gracious to all. I know we will.  Ho, ho!

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