All eight pups have made it through their first week - yea! Jonnie continues to eat well and takes care of her pups. It is a very time consuming job for moms as we human mothers know.
The pups don't do much but crawl, cry, sleep, eat and eliminate round the clock. In the upcoming weeks, their personalities will begin to show and pictures will be more fun. Till then, 'school portraits' will be the norm. :+)
Blue Collar is a hefty boy and weighs in at 1 lb. 4 ounces.
Mr. Brown Collar is a little guy with a lovely two toned suit of chocolate and tan. He reminds me of a Twix candy bar. :+). Weighs only 10 1/8 ounces.
Red Collar boy is a solid 1 pound today. I love his white 'goatee'.
Another chunk is Green Collar boy. He weighs 1 lb. 1 oz.
His 'rusty' color will become more intense as he grows.
This girl will rival Blue Collar for biggest in the litter.
Peach Collar is also1 lb. 4 oz!
Purple Collar girl is another one the favors her daddy, Hobbs, for being
little. She weighs 10 3/4 ounces today.
This phantom male is Black Collar boy. He just missed the one pound marker.
Black Collar weighs 15 5/8 ounces this morning.
Teal Collar is the tiniest in the litter weighing only 9 5/8 ounces. She fights
for her nipple like the big guys do and does not give up! She looks like a tiny YODA' with those ears!
My pleasure. :+)
ReplyDeleteA drawer full of beauties. I remember that drawer. Love tiny teal lady!
ReplyDeleteYes you should, Roxann! Good memory and it is very useful - just what I needed for this age. :+)
ReplyDeleteLove seeing these little sweethearts! We actually used a dresser drawer as a makeshift crib when we spent an overnight at John’s grandparents’ cottage when our son was a baby. Had forgotten about that till I saw these ☺️
ReplyDeleteI think little Teal Girl is going to be a pistol!
ReplyDeleteOh boy, I hope not!! :+)