Saturday, April 10, 2021

Jonnie x Hobbs litter is FIVE WEEKS!

Later in the week, my plan is to have Jonnie weaned and back with her family.  It will totally depend on Jonnie when that day will actually be.

We have had a couple of visits from new owners and more are scheduled for tomorrow.  As you are aware, it is a requirement BEFORE picking up your puppy to visit here!  So, those who have not scheduled a visit yet, need to make an appointment. 

The pups are developing in leaps and bounds now.  Even Gabriel has made gains.  Although still the midget in his litter, he does not appear to be less inquisitive or mentally dull.  :+)

I reconfigured their pen this week, as they needed more room.  In good weather with temps in the high 60's, I leave the door open and let them enjoy coming out of the pen and go outdoors to sniff and stretch their legs in the covered alley.  Today, I intend to clean up the outside pen in their playground area and put them out there for stimulation and some real sunshine!  We will ALL enjoy that!

Enjoy the pics!

A sweet, inquisitive guy, Blue Boy entertains himself quite well!

Purple Girl is a gorgeous, independent girl on the quiet side - at least this week!

Okay, I needed to put a 'booster seat' in the basket or we would only see the top of Gabriel's head.  
He appears much larger than he is, but trust me, he is a tiny thing.  Bless him, he seems quite 
unaffected by being placed in a gently swinging hanging basket.

'Want to play Peek-A-Boo'?  Teal Girl has a soft side to her.

Peach Girl is full of herself!  She is the largest pup still! Has gumption and smarts in spades.

Red Boy appears to be a compliant young man.  Will wrestle but loves to snuggle too.

Black Boy enjoyed his 'arial' view of the driveway. 

Can you say 'relaxed'?  Green Boy just sat in the basket and said, 'Cool'.


  1. Such a beautiful bunch! Enjoy reading about all their evolving personalities.

  2. Love the blankets matching the collars. Beautiful, beautiful and beautiful gang.

  3. Thank you for noticing, John! It was my easiest photo session! Going forward, if I don't put them in something, they scramble all all over the place! :+)

  4. They are just too cute! So happy to see Gabriel doing well! ❤️

  5. So far, Erin! Gabe is a mini version of his siblings. He 'marches' about and is quite content. :+)
