Monday, September 16, 2024


 Oh what a morning!  For once, I was able to get the morning started from the getgo with pictures!  The pups were very cooperative for our Week 7 segment.  :+)

I decided to do our Blue Buggy theme today.  As you all know there are many pieces of equipment in the Pup area.  After this litter, they will all have to find a new home but till then, we all still enjoy them - especially the pups!

Here is today's 'excursion'!

Yep, hands on the wheel in the 10 & 2 position.  5 3/4 lbs

'You want me to drive this jalopy??'  I don't think so!   4 3/4 bs.

"um..I am not so sure about this'.   5 1/2 lbs.

'Hi everybody!  Look what I am doing!! I GOT this!   4 1/4 lbs.

'I wonder if there is cruise control?'   4 1/2 lbs.

'This is a piece of cake you guys!'   4 1/2 lbs.

'Is there something in the road?  Where are the BRAKES?'   4 lbs.

'Where is the GPS on this thing?'  3 lbs.

'Lovely day, blue skies but I MUST change these tunes!   4 1/4 lbs.

'WHAT am I doing in the TRUNK???'   2/1/2 lbs.

Let's not forget our visitors!  Lots of smiles and cuddles!  Keep them coming!!  Lots of socialization is SO important at this stage.  :+)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cannot resist showing this pic!

 I had Red Boy on my lap, who is typically a pup who likes to be sniffing about and one of our pup visitors snapped this shot.  I guess Red Boy enjoys a massage as well as anyone. :+)

Friday, September 13, 2024

More pics from our visitors for you to enjoy today!

 The pups had such a good time!  They love the open space AND having people oohing and ahhing over them.  :+)

The Pup Yard is open for business!

Here are a few snapshots of the pups roaming the pup yard.  I let them out of the small pen and I could not walk - all they did initially was gather at my feet!  Eventually they did check out some stuff and, of course, I did not have my camera at that time.  :+(

Later today, a family is visiting and I am sure there will be more pics at that time.  :+) 

Monday, September 9, 2024


Well, we are over the hump!  Week Six and the upcoming weeks will have even more opportunities to be outdoors learning, investigating and enjoying more space and adventures.  They have eaten there, slept, played and watched the other adults in the small pen. Now they will be all over the large pen.  

Several pup families have visited as well which we all enjoy having.  Thank goodness the weather has been cooperative so far!

This is a great time to read up on the PUPPY PREP LINKS.  Lots of information there for you to think about: insurance, supplies, pup development....all important!  Don't forget to read our CONTRACT on the website.  Ask questions now before the hectic weeks begin!

You will be provided with a pup bag, full of toys, a harness-leash-collar set that you can use for a little bit until you decide to get one that you prefer plus your Pup Booklet.  It is lots of fun to actually take your pup to a store to purchase other supplies once they are home with you.  Lots of people to meet and greet - in a controlled setting.  Do not allow your pup to run around all over the place - but do allow your pup to be in a carriage to say 'Hello' to new people of all sizes.  Provide a treat for them to give your pup.  This will go a long way to bring confidence, acceptance and positive experiences to your pup.  Socialization is probably the MOST important step you can provide your pup through his 16th week of life.  However, bringing a pup to a dog park is a DEFINITE 'no, no'.  One bad experience with any strange dog can ruin your pup for life, unfortunately.  Be the advocate for your pup, use common sense but don't be a 'smother mother'.  :+)

Here are the six week pics!!

Miss Rose...well is a rose and she does have a few 'thorns'.  :+)
Still the 'little guy'.  However, he LOVES to be held and cuddled.

Seems to be a 'middle of the road' guy.  

'A get up & go' sort of pup.  Typically, in the middle of anything going on.
Friendly, adventurous and charming.

A solid pup with substance and a dash of energy.

Full of the dickens and charm.

'The Professor'.  Calm, sweet, gentle with just a sprinkling of activity.

Like the other two girls, likes to be in the middle of things.

The heftiest pup at the moment.  A pup that would do well in a busy but managed household.

Just remember, pups change from day to day.  Who was the most laid back this week could be a 'devil' the next week.  Just like kids change as they mature - so do pups!  Love, discipline, lot of repetitions always seem to keep things in check.  :+)


'Which one of you is next?'

How many hands are there for these ten pups???

'WANTED'. Cuddles.

'I am the King of this mountain'.

'Who is going to come home with me'?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

WEEK FIVE of the Lucie x Diesel Litter

 Again, apologies for the delay.  I guess I cannot have visitations on Mondays (picture day) as it really takes a lot of time and so does having visitors!  Both are equally important and enjoyed, so I must choose!   I may have to have more than one family at the same time to accommodate everyone weekly!  We shall see how it goes.  Mother Nature is in charge because the Pup Room is small!!!   :+)

Yesterday was a great day socializing with pups and customers and was enjoyed by all.  The pups love being cuddled and I so enjoyed talking with each and every one of those that came.

When the weather is good, I have started putting the pups in the small yard outside for them to check out.  It is not for long but getting some good fresh air is so good for them.  As they explore and grow, they will enjoy the larger pup yard.

They are now eating three times a day and also 'snack' on mom as she allows.  Soon, momma Lucie will be back with her family as she weans from the pups.

Enjoy the pics!

Also, a few pics of some of our visitors enjoying the pups.  :+)

Everyone SMILE!!!

Pups having 'lunch on the porch' as they have their first experience outside.

More cuddles!

Do you see the pup under his leg while another tries to navigate the step??