Sunday, July 7, 2019

HOBBS makes a surprise visit!

Another surprise came in the form of a fluffy mop!  Hobbs, a miniature stud hopeful came by and boy oh boy was I head over heels in love with this treasure!

His guardians are so awesome and take him everywhere and he meets tons and tons of people of all sizes and it shows in his confident personality.

Hobs is only six months in these photos and I am keeping my fingers crossed he passes his testing to become an ADNE stud boy!

Hobbs and daddy.  :+)


  1. He looks so much like Bailey.... except Bailey is a caramel. I too hope Hobbs passes his testing.
    What sweet minis he will produce!

  2. Don't you know it! Hobbs with some of my black/tan phantom girls could produce some real 'flashy' gems! :+)
