Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Another pen change-over and intro to milk replacer. Week 3. (L x D)

I mentioned before that lots of new experiences happen beginning three weeks dependent on the growth of a litter.  

As I was watching them today, I noticed several things going on:

  • The pups are becoming more mobile and body strength was increasing.
  • They are interested in small spaces and venture over soft toys (the caterpillar)'
  • The Potty Tray is being used more.
  • I have found some in Lucie's 'bedroom '(her bed). 
Hmmmm, I thought.  So, I decided to put in a bigger Potty Tray that has low sides for them to climb over and see if they catch on.  Then I decided to keep one pass thru door gate WITH the plexiglass barrier up, so Lucie can go in at will and I substituted a solid gate for a pass thru gate on the other side of the pen so I have two exits instead of one (for convenience.

I also am still giving Mr. Black male (the tiny one) a bottle to be sure he has enough daily calories as his big siblings gobble up all the milk and he ends up with leftovers.  He ate his fill from the bottle but there was some left, so I put down a feeding dish and let the others discover what was in it.  Some were more curious than others and mom was eager to lap it all up!

Lucie chilling after I did clean up and re-arranging.

A pup being curious about the bowl.

Pups confiscating Lucie's bed.

Lucie showing the pups 'the ropes' as she gobbles up the formula.

Mr. Brown Boy trying it out as others look on.

I will continue to entice them with formula,  as well as nurse from Lucie to begin the weaning process which takes at least 2 to 3 weeks.  Nothing is 'forced' here.  I don't use Benedryl to dry up my moms.  I don't reduce their food either.  It is done slowly and carefully.


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