Thursday, August 22, 2024

Puppy Love. Lucie x Diesel

As most of you know, puppy visits begin after they are four weeks of age.  Our four grand-daughters visit us every summer and they have been beside themselves waiting until they could cuddle with the pups who have been way too young.

However, this morning, they return back to Michigan and their dad told them 'Grammy has a surprise for you'.  When they came over, well.....I will let the pics tell the rest of the story.  :+)

Their dad had to keep the 'surprise' secret all morning.  After he asked his 4 daughters to wash their hands and go near the Pup Room.  There were lots of excited faces!

On top of THAT surprise was the addition of their cousin being added to the group.  I brought some the pups into the middle of the room in the bed they like to sleep in.  You can see the surprise on our youngest grand-daughter's face!  Of course, Lucie was delighted to meet and greet everyone.  :+)

Our eldest grand-daughter with the pup she chose to snuggle with.

These two were in heaven having the babes in their laps.

What a perfect pic with both staring right at the camera!

As fate would have it, our youngest grand-daughter picked the smallest pup.

What the pups looked like after the visit - sound asleep!  :+)

I am sure they are pealing the ears off their dad about the visit and the pup snuggles as they travel back to Michigan.  At the last phone call, they were NOT sleeping!!  :+)


  1. How great! I know how excited I get when I visit your puppies! So much joy!

  2. Who would not be excited to visit a bunch of live stuffed animals??? Ha, ha! Joyce
