Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Puppy Room. (update)

 The pups have a corner where they stay cuddled with each other.  Of course, Momma Lucie is never far away.  Today, Aug. 13th, it is nice and cool so a window is open for fresh air and some sunshine.  

This pen area will be reconfigured numerous times to accommodate the pups growth and development until they are big enough to venture to their outdoor play areas.  That is truly when the fun begins!  :+)

Also, I might add, that TODAY every pup has opened its eyes  and it is just too cute to see those peepers looking back at me.  :+). After I took this pic, I opted to remove the blue 'bunting' around the inside of their pen as they were constantly scrambling behind them.  When they become more mobile, it is time to switch things up.  

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