Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Aside from getting lost and being late....

 the Temperament Test went well today!  

The pups were excellent in the hour long ride it takes to get there.  It was extra long today because I took a wrong turn.  I can't wait to get the reports - hopefully by Sunday.

I will share a few pics for your enjoyment.  :+) None of the pups are identified.  I just want to give you an idea of the room and some of the stuff in it.  During each segment, the stuff is gathered in a pile (like the first photo) before being set up again for the next pup.  That does two purposes:  Judy, my trainer, is able to watch the reactions of each pup when first put in the room to see how quickly it gets 'comfortable' being in a new space with new smells and strange people; and secondly, if the 'stockpile' of stuff intimidates any of the pups or if they can 'work around' the pile for trainability around odd shapes.

Amazingly, not one pup had a potty accident in the facility - I was so proud.  :+) That never happens!

That crazy pile had no effect on this pup as she happily carried her prize.

Anyone want a 'Water Boarder'?  Apparently, this pup has no fear of wobbly things!

'I will sit for a treat', just watch!

They ALL loved to play 'Tug'.

Willingness to step on odd surfaces test. Treats work great.

The 'Wobble Board' can be very scary for some.  Treat encouragement & patience does wonders.

All the pups jumped on the musical Santa and had no fear of him.

The 'crinkle' toy was a huge hit.  Can be found in the Kitty aisle of most stores.  :+)

Can you say 'relaxed'?

Our next big excursion at at the eye vets in Portsmouth, NH on Monday.

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