Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Sadie and son.

I have to stop calling Sadie's son the 'chunk', so I am going to call him 'Axel'.  It seems fitting since his mom's name is Ms. Sadie Benz, so I am keeping the automobile theme.  It would have been fun to nickname a full litter of auto names/parts but Axel suits this fellow to a 'T'.

Axel seems to be quite content in his new settings.  I moved him just before his second week birthday (today) so that he will acclimate to the light, sounds and movement of the doodles here.  He is already past 2 lbs. at week 2, so the food supply is going well.  :+)

Sadie does not seem to mind that the other doodles here go in and out the dogie door in the Pup Room which means she is no longer in 'protection mode'.  Sadie is more interested in trying to get one of my house girls to play with her.  :+)

Although Sadies loves to take out the toys and especially the Snuggle Puppy, I have been able to rescue them most of the time so Axel has some 'playmates' to snuggle with when Sadie goes about her business.  Just to clarify, Axel is the apricot color, the Snuggle Pup is cream.  


  1. That’s the perfect name for him - love it! I love Sadie’s coat colors too. Frodo is starting to lighten up a little bit (in color not weight - he’s a solid boy). It’s fun watching the change and grow!

  2. It is! Sadie did not turn color until she was over a year old! Many people love Sadie's 'Lavender' shade. :+)
