Wednesday, September 1, 2021


This morning, Ms. Sadie Benz had the first C-Section in ADNE history!  Dr. Kelleher was so informative, kind and skilled.  Sadie went in and in a couple of hours we had our very healthy, 11 ounce baby boy to oogle over.  He favors his poppa, Jaxon, who is a second generation Cockapoo. He is apricot with adorable white markings on his head, chest, tail and toes.  :+)

At this point, I am just so grateful that all went well.  Sadie and her newborn are resting together after the surgery keeping warm and bonding.  

This 'special' mating was planned to keep a pup back for my program and there was only one, so chances are I will not offer him for sale at this time.


  1. Tickled to see those two bonding🥰
    Welcome little one❣️

    1. I could not be happier. Would you believe that little chunk is already a pound at 4 days old? :+)
