Monday, February 10, 2020


Yes, the day has finally come to show off Jonnie's litter with individual pics of the pups.  I know many of you have been waiting patiently.

Jonnie and pups have been doing very, very well.  The pups gain weight every day and are plumb and happy.  Their space in my office remains a quiet sanctuary for them and momma.  Although Jonnie is quite social when not nursing, she remains 'parked' at the door to warn any of the other doodles 'Do Not Enter'!

Every morning, Jonnie does leave her brood to come upstairs to wake me up promptly at 6 am for her breakfast.  I think she has an alarm clock built in.  All the doodles sleep in our bedroom, so I am able to leave the office door open a bit so Jonnie has the choice of visiting and sleeping on the bed for a short time until she hears her babies call her for another feeding.  None of the other adults mind her visits.  :+)

Here they are! Click to enlarge pics!

Green Boy.

Violet Girl.

Blue Boy.

Pink Girl.

Rose Girl.

Teal Girl.

Coal Boy.