Saturday, February 22, 2020

We have moved to the Pup Room! (Jonnie x Duckie)

I spent most of this past week getting the Pup Room ready for Jonnie's pups.  On Friday, we made the switch and the pups did really well.  Jonnie seems happy to have a bit more room and lots of sunlight.  She is s l o w l y learning to use the dogie door.  She has no problem using it to come in but still not quite sure that you can use it to get out too!!  Always a learning curve.  :+)

Just before three weeks of age has always been my magical number for putting pups there.  They should have sunlight and be in the area where they will continue to develop full eye sight and begin exploration. The THIRD week of life is the first critical period - a time when they begin their first lessons on behavior.  Under the Pup Prep Tab is a link to this study and I urge all pup buyers to read it.

This area will continue to evolve as they grow using different toys, 'busy' blankets, learning potty manners and exercising their bodies.  Eventually, they will go outdoors to the Pup Yard.  :+)

I added some furry friends to provide 'snuggy time' when momma is not there.

Jonnie has her own bed when she needs some time off.

Sometimes all you need is sibling snuggles.  :+)

I love it when pups begin sleeping 'upside-down'!


  1. I love following the progression & seeing the pups change and grow. My favorite of these pictures is the one of Jonnie in her own new spot near the pups. She looks equally proud & relaxed :)

    1. She was really quite happy to have a lush bed for her to relax in. Of course, at night, she jumps on our bed to snuggle. She has good taste. :+)
