Monday, February 17, 2020

JONNIE X DUCKIE - WEEK 2! A picture update!!

UPDATE:  I was not happy with my first group of pics, so today I put up a new set.

I can hardly believe this group is a two full weeks!  This coming week, I will be moving them to the Puppy Room once I have it all cleaned up.  That is always a big event that I enjoy doing.  At first they will be quite unhappy but will acclimate quickly.

Eyes are beginning to open now and Coal Boy was the first to take a peek at his surroundings.  They really can't see much; but each day their eyes get more and more clear which is the biggest reason I want them in the Pup Room sooner rather than later.  It is best they be in their permanent location as they 'explore' the world for the first time.  Plus, this room gets lots of sunlight which is a great source of Vitamin D!

Jonnie continues to be a doting momma and still gives poor Harriet Potter the 'stink eye' when Harriet haphazardly stumbles too close to the door.  Harriet is pretty much blind and deaf but her nose works perfectly and Jonnie always has goodies in her bowl that Harriet would love to eat.  Hence, the numerous mumbles from Jonnie.

Although these are minis, you would not know it by their fat bellies!  :+). Be sure to click the pics to make them bigger to enjoy.  :+)

I will not know which two until after temperament testing at 7 weeks.
If interested, please send in an application.

Teal Girl has minimal Phantom markings. She will appear mostly black.

Pink Girl is nearly solid chocolate.  There are some 'ghost' markings of Phantom.  She will also be very curly.

Rose Girl is a well marked Phantom with Abstract splashes of white.
She is chocolate and tan and will look very similar to her daddy, Duckie.

Happily taking a nap, Blue Boy is the heavy weight in the litter.  Not sure yet if he will be a caramel or a cream.
 He does have some white markings. 

Violet Girl is a black and tan lightly marked Phantom Abstract.

Another chocolate and tan Phantom Abstract (white splashes) who will look just like Duckie. 
Green Boy and Rose Girl could be bookends!

Coal Boy - 1.9 lbs. Looks like an Orca whale!  He has the largest splash of white in the group. 
He is a solid black and white  Abstract.


  1. These are remarkable pictures for 2 week olds. They look so cozy and content :)

  2. Ha, ha! They were all trying to climb out of the bowl! At least you can see their markings and they are larger than the first batch.
