Friday, April 17, 2020

Clary & Force of Hobbit.

If Mother Nature behaves herself, we should have a lovely litter of puppies come June.  Both Clary and Hobbs are adorable doodles - friendly, happy, healthy with beautiful coats.  Clary's coat has curl and is very soft and cuddly.  She loves to smile.  Hobbs has a flowing, straighter fleece coat that blows in the gentlest of winds.  He is a charmer.

The litter will have a variety of sizes and colors - minis to small mediums (17 to 28 lbs.). In about 30 days, I will have Clary in for an ultra sound to confirm she is pregnant.  Based on her numbers today and the quality of Hobbs' sperm, this should be a given but you never know.

This litter is fully booked with a full Wait List as well.

Hobbs' coat blowing in the wind.

Clary enjoying some lovely weather.

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