Saturday, March 14, 2020

Sadie's one week old pups - group pics.

We all made it through the first week!  In spite of a pandemic virus, stores without toilet paper, people going absolutely nutty and schools/colleges closing down.  Here at ADNE....... all is well. :+)

Sadie is surely delighted that she can now mingle whenever she wants to in the house.  Thrilled to run around with all the girls outdoors and eating well.  Her pups are content and happy.

I do not post one week pics individually but will certainly do so when they are two weeks of age.  :+)

A pic of the group!  :+)

Sadie is just like her mom, Daisy.  She can contort her body every which way !  The pups seem to find a nipple no matter the 'form' their mom may take.  

Sadie likes having her head on the top of the whelping pool.

Some of the pups nursing.  :+) They are all there just not all visible.  :+(