Wednesday, March 25, 2020


The pups were just excellent car riders when we went to our Temperament Test early this morning!  No vomiting or whining.  They settled right in and enjoyed the hour there and the hour long drive back home.  Since we had mild weather, I was able to keep them in the back of my car with the hatchback open as I took them in one at a time for their session with my trainer.  The rest slept in the car with their huge frog for comfort.  :+)

I won't have the write ups for a few days but all did well given their early age.  My trainer will view the videos and provide a write up of their strengths and weaknesses for all of us to work on.

For the most part, I took a pic of each pup doing something different in the myriad of tests.

Violet was first and quite nervous initially but finished with pizzazz!

Teal surprised me by checking out the room and its 'occupants' quickly!

Pink was in her element here. Very engaged with all props.

Blue was a gentleman this morning.  He was active and willing to participate.

Green was very 'olfactory' driven.  His nose was everywhere!

Coal proved to be very resilient and brave!

Rose, too, used her nose a lot!  A good fetching candidate.

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