Thursday, January 18, 2024

SIX WEEKS - Phoebe#2 x Diesel litter

During the past week, I have added a crate into the pup pen because I want them to have a 'level' of comfort being in one.  They are not in an individual crate but one that fits all of them - as being part of a pack is comforting.  With momma Phoebe only visiting once a day for nursing, they entertain themselves with multiple toys, wrestling, visitors and sleeping!

Today, I added the 'busy mat' which has small toys stitched onto it to tug, chew and snuggle with.  I also used it in the photo session - they enjoyed it much more when it was on the floor.  :+) I change up the toys every few days for interest and to wash them!

They continue to eat 3 to 4 meals a day depending on when Phoebe comes for a short visit.  They are gaining well and have lots of teeth - never come here with good clothes on!  They are chewing up a storm!

After their photo session, the pups investigated the busy mat further.

JINGLES - wk 6 and 6 3/4 lbs.
He really enjoys cuddling.  

CINDER - Wk. 6 - 6 1/2 lbs.
No dainty dot! Gets right into the chow dish with her brothers.

STAR - 6 wks. and 4 7/8 lbs. (Almost made it to 5 lbs) :+)
She is no runt! Gives as good as she gets! Does love a lap to nap on.

ELF - wk. 6 and 7 1/4 lbs.
A big lug.  More to love.


  1. Love these chunks ❤️

  2. Our visits just keep getting better, they are all so sweet!

  3. They are so adorable! I can’t wait to see them again!

    Deb Demaso
