Monday, September 19, 2016


Yes, it has been busy here but the worse of it is keeping up with the constantly revolving door for three different groups of doodles. The moms need to go out separately and the house doodles need to do the same. I am a doorman, kitchen chef, pooper scooper and office manager. I wear many hats.

It won't be as bad when the moms return to their guardian homes as the 'high vigilance' will be replaced with keeping up with 12 puppies!!

Now I have a major confession, there really isn't any excuse but I have made a gender error on one of the pups - Lilac Girl is not a girl at all but a male!!! You can imagine my shock today as I was doing Early Neurological Stimulation on him and realized my mistake. So, I need to make some adjustments. The black female known as Yellow Girl is now going to be Black Girl and Lilac Boy will be labeled Yellow Boy. Sooo sorry for the confusion.

Rose Girl - 1.5 lbs.

Yellow Boy - 1 lb.

Black Girl - 14 ozs.

Green Boy - 1.1 lbs.

Brown Boy - 1.4 lbs.

Orange Boy - 1.7 lbs.

Tate O'Reilly with her one week old litter of six.


  1. They are all beautiful no matter male or female 🌻

  2. Yes they are and I am glad the error was corrected! They are so small at this age but as they grow, some little 'outcroppings' become more evident. :+)

  3. So so cute! And you amaze me Joyce! You must sleep well at night��

  4. I do sleep well. Ha, ha, ha! How is Tabor?
