Wednesday, August 14, 2019


I took a few more pics of Diesel today.  I just love his silky coat!  I expect Diesel to be 25 to 28 lbs. at maturity.  He is a 'middle of the road' puppy - not too soft and not too busy.  He likes to be the center of attention but does not demand it.  Diesel also can entertain himself without too much effort.  A very compliant nature.

Diesel has a soft but playful temperament.

His coat will have lovely waves.
9 weeks and stopping traffic at lights and parking lots!  Too cute!

Diesel is nine weeks here and 8 lbs.  A rugged, mello kind of guy.

His coat is soooo silky and soft - like his soft look in his eyes.
Being a Guardian Home is a unique opportunity but it does come with some caveats.  I would like to list some of them that are truly important to me:

  • His name is Diesel and it cannot be changed or be called a different 'nickname' as he has a veterinary record in that name and I don't want any confusion.
  • For the health of my breeding stock, I require minimal vaccines.  A holistic vet is my preference but some traditional vets are reasonable.  My vaccine protocol will not generally follow your vets requirements but you must use mine.  Over vaccination impacts the immune system and I wish to avoid this.
  • Read my contract because there are several flea/tick meds that simply cannot be used due to health issues and death resulting from their use.  I recommend Wondercide as it can be used on humans and animals.  There is no 'warning' on their label due to its safety.  There are also vests that can be bought at that work well when going into the woods or grassy areas that repel fleas, ticks, etc.  Poisonous chemicals are not acceptable to use on my Labradoodles.  I always ask 'Can this stuff be used on me'? The answer has always been 'No, it is not recommended'.  So why is it ok to put on my companion?
  • Mother Nature is in charge of when I breed and she is unforgiving.  Hence, a guardian must understand that when I need a stud, it is not something I can postpone.  Breeding is very time sensitive.  Of course, I always try to be reasonable and provide plenty of notice when I can but there will be times when it is not possible.  How flexible is your schedule?
  • Is your home close enough to me that it will not be an inconvenience to you to bring Diesel here as needed?  The traveling is on you, so give this lots of consideration.
  • Diesel must always look well tended to.  Will this added expense of grooming fit in your budget and schedule?
  • Training is required and Diesel must be a well mannered doodle.  Does your schedule allow for training classes?  He is an easy boy - sensitive, sweet and mello.  He wants to please and should only be trained with positive methods.  No choke chains or harsh reprimands, please!
The list seems quite long, I know.  :+)  A guardianship is a partnership and needs open and honest communication.  Transparency is what we both will need in order to have a seamless relationship.  A question I get asked all the time is "How many times will you need to use him'?  My answer always is 'I have no idea'!  Sometimes it may be once a month, or three times a year.  A breeder does not have a set schedule, it is always random.  

So, please be honest with yourself when you read the above. Diesel is the male Pick of the Litter. He has the DNA, coat, conformation, personality and temperament to move my program forward in a positive way.  You are instrumental in his development to be a 'hero' in this respect.  All we can both hope for is that he passes my stringent testing protocol at a year of age at my vet's office in Rochester, NH.  If he falls below my guidelines, then you will be required to pay the balance of the pet price.  I will pay for his neuter.  If he passes, you will be refunded your deposit in full when his contract ends and I still pay for his neuter at that time.

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