Saturday, January 9, 2016

Piper Moon was at the vets today. :+(

Sometimes with large litters, canine mommas will develop a condition called Eclampsia or  'milk fever'.  I am very familiar with this condition and recognize the symptoms right away. Piper showed early signs this morning; so we headed to the vet to take care of the matter.  The treatment takes a while because they first have to measure her Iodized Calcium through blood work and then she needs to be hooked up to a heart monitor while they S L O W L Y  feed a calcium drip into her blood supply.

So it was not until 5:15 this evening that Piper was back at home with us and her pups. She was fully recuperated and very happy to see her babies! While she was gone, I had to be nursemaid and feed all ten pups, and that took all afternoon! Most hated the nipple I had (actually, I tried three different ones!) and had to resort to the 'sponge feeding method' which takes a very long time to fill up a pup! For those curious, you use a 100% cotton make up sponge (triangular ones) and cut the pointed end to fit the opening of their mouth, soak it in the formula you prepared and then coax the pup to drink from it. As they do this, you use a syringe to keep the sponge fully engorged with the formula until the pup is done. It can take up to 20 minutes or more per pup. Then you must stimulate them to urinate and defecate afterwards. So, add on another five minutes or more. You can see why I was very busy all afternoon. I barely finished when my vet called to say Piper Moon was ready for pick up. I was SO delighted!

Once home and fed, etc., while Piper nursed some of the pups, I was back at it with a Playtex Nurser bottle to try and fortunately a number of the pups liked that nipple - yea! So I fed half the litter and Piper did the other half as well as the 'clean up'. All is good. Whew, so very happy this did not happen in the middle of the night! Been there, done that!!!

Tomorrow morning, I will take her to the vet again just to be sure she is maintaining her calcium levels.  The good news is that she bounced back wonderfully and the rest of her blood work was totally normal.  :+)


  1. Wow! Joyce, your commitment to the health and comfort of both momma and puppies is truly amazing. Today was clearly a labor of love. It's good to see a smile back on Piper Moon's face, but I hope for your sake things are calmer from here on out. Keep up the great work! - Joseph C

  2. Glad to hear she has recovered. Look at the smile on her face. :)

  3. This morning I was greeted with a very energetic Piper who has a voracious appetite and content pups. I still need to take her to the vet for another check up and will continue to supplement the pups for a week or so until they can begin to slurp up a milk mixture themselves. After trying many baby bottles, they all seem to like the Playtex Vent Aire brand and take it well.

    Feels odd to be making 'formula' again.

  4. Piper and Piper's pups are soooo blessed to have YOU! Dr. Joyce gets five stars for nursing everyone back to health. Wow, what an experience. So happy to hear all are doing well. Trips to the vets, baby bottles, nipples and formulas....OMG all in in a day's work for you ........ ensuring happy and healthy Piper and pups.😍

  5. Awwwww... you say the nicest things, Roxann. :+) Really, as a responsible breeder, it is what you take on. What you bring into this world requires committment - just like children!
