Sunday, February 12, 2012

Clara has her 'family' over.

As is typical of all guardians, they miss their family pet immensely, so I try to be as flexible as possible to allow them to visit and reconnect with their 'furry' child.

It is wonderful to have guardian homes that are relatively close so that this bonding continues during their dog's maternity stay here at Annabelle Doodles of New England.  A visit assures the guardians that their pet is getting all the necessary attention and care; and really, what guardian can't wait to take a peek at the newborns?! 

As long as I have been doing this, each nursing dam has settled back beautifully after each visit.  As you can see, Clara is very content and enjoying the extra cuddles.   Of course, all my girls get to visit and that always makes their day!

Thank you Erin, Shawn and Parker for your visit today!  Pretty soon Clara Belle will have another human baby to befriend.  I am sure Clara will be delighted that Erin gets to nurse that one!  :+)

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