In any event, the pups did slightly better in their crates last night. They were only yowling for 45 minutes versus an hour, so we are making progress. I did not have to get up in the middle of the night either, which was nice. I locked their crates at 11 PM and opened them at 6 AM, so a huge improvement in my eyes!
Due to their surgeries, I have only allowed them access to the outside alley and first paved pen. You always want to curtail hard running or jumping for at least 8 to 12 days. All of you will have the 'Instructions Page' in your pup packets for follow up. They will not need any meds.
In order to give them some stimulation, they have been spending much more time in my kitchen and dining area with all the adults. Right now, as I am typing, they are all sleeping in there in various spots.
I have not found this litter to be hard chewers. Not a one has tried to chew my stools, chairs, table legs , etc. That is pretty remarkable!
These pics shows them playing in the dog bed on the far side of the dining area. Luna found the red ball and at first all of them were chasing her to get it. Murphy really likes balls as well and had it most of the time. Then Molly got it and they all seemed to have turns. This particular ball makes noises and squeaks depending on how it is bounced, so they were very intrigued. :+)
Finally all there poops are back to being normal after the anesthesia. The incisions look very good and are closing well. Some have a bit of swelling near the surgical site, but that is normal because I am not keeping them totally still. Pups need some exercise or they will go crazy! (Me, too!)
So I minimize as best I can so that they get a bit of exercise within confined areas.
They are a sweet bunch of puppies. Every one of them just laid in my arms (bellies exposed) and enjoyed a belly rub this morning. Luna actually closed her eyes and went to sleep. A more cuddly group would be hard to find. A great litter for children that are gentle and non-threatening or loud. At least until they acclimate to their new environment.
Murphy says it all in this last pic - LIFE IS GOOD!
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