Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Olive 'teaching' her pups manners.

Posted by Picasa Olive has been spending quite a bit of time outdoors with her puppies.  She is training them in doggie behavior.  In some pics, the pups are laying down being very submissive.  In others she is intiating play.  It is very important for pups to have this interaction. 

It does not necessarily have to be the mother, any balanced dog can teach pups.   Annabelle goes in to play often as well.  Once in a while Harriet and Willis go in for a quick romp but Olive and Annabelle are 'frequent visitors'.


  1. So cute!! Annabelle almost looks like she's either supervising or waiting in the wings to back up Olive :)

  2. :+) Annabelle does both. She is a marvelous grandmomma! Many times she goes in to teach the pups all by herself. They are fortunate to have her (me, too).

  3. So sweet. Have a great Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for if we have an Annabelle Doodle!
