Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The surgeries have begun.


Today the first two of the litter went in for their neuters. Since Green and Red boys were the biggest of the litter, I decided they should go first. Bloodwork was taken, hearts monitored, and a general check up to be sure that there were no 'problems' that would compromise the use of anesthesia. I had to have them there by 8:30 AM and pick them up at 6:30 PM. When I got there, they had to be awakened as they were sleeping together all nice and cuddly.

Once home, I gave them each some pain meds mixed in with their first feeding in nearly 24 hours! Poor boys were very hungray, but I have to feed in small portions, several times, spaced apart or else they will get sick.

Red boy is already feeling quite frisky and is jumping on the fence!

Green boy is taking it easy and sees no need to be stretching those stitches!

They did extremely well and have to be separated from their littermates (via yet another reconfiguration of x-pens) for about three days or so. This will enhance their healing as it limits excessive wrestling and possible 'popping' or pulling' of their stitches. So they will have to visit with their littermates through the fence. So far, no ill effects of their surgeries. :+)
(Sorry about the pics not being very clear, it is night-time.)

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