Monday, May 26, 2008


Wow! My first full night of sleep and I feel good!!! :+)

So here is your first view of the pups individually. They are doing quite well and Harriet is being a wonderful and attentive mom. The girls are on a pink blanket and the boys on blue - I know, I am such a traditionalist.

#1 female would be considered the color 'chalk'. She will have rose/liver pigment and hazel eyes as she matures. I also think she will have a curly coat.

#2 boy enjoys his meals and will be apricot in color. He appears to be a fleece but I won't know for sure until he grows more. He too may have rose/liver pigment and hazel eyes.

#3 Parti girl also appears to be a fleece. I love her markings. I don't believe her nose will remain freckled but it could.

#4 girl has the silky coat of a fleece at this time.

#5 girl appears rugged and may have a curly apricot coat and black pigment.

#6 girl is also apricot and on the smaller side of the group. I am pretty sure she will have black pigment.

#7 male is the 'hunk a chunk' of the litter. Just look at that head! He too will be apricot with black pigment.

#8 male appears to have the fleece-y type coat of some of the others, but you never know when they may change so this is not guaranteed! I love all the coat types but breed specifically for the looser curly wools and wavy fleeces.

#9 guy is the only chocolate in the group and is one of the smallest as well. His coat has a silky texture to it and I believe he could be a curly fleece when he matures.

All of the pups' coats are subject to many changes depending on what genes they inherited. I tend to limit my use of Poodles in my program as I am not fond of the strong kinky coats they can pass onto the offspring. Those coats are terrific for allergy sufferers, but there are many breeders that breed for this quality. I just prefer a more 'relaxed' look to the dogs that I breed.


  1. Having problems posting my comments. Will try later.

  2. Hello Mommy Harriet and Family. Terrific to see you all curled up and napping. Maybe Grammy Joyce can get a bit of a nap in for herself today.

    What kind of milk do you get when Grammy Joyce feeds you?

    Beatrix (your daughter), Marcia & Carl

  3. Joyce, you are a creative photographer...the pics of the puppy starlets are darling. How can you keep your hands off them??
    Marcia and I must be on the same wave length: I too am wondering about the "formula" fed to the pups when not nursing!?
    Nancy and the tribe..

  4. The puppy formula is as follows:

    I make up powdered Goat's Milk with sterilized water; add Natural Rearing Tree's Bark Gruel Mix; a very small squirt of dark Karo Syrup; an organic egg yolk; and one cup of unflavored whole milk yougart. All of this is whipped together. Then I strain it to be sure it will not clog up the nipple of the bottle. It is very rich, full of nutrients, has probiotics to aid digestion, lots of protein & calcium, is very digestible and a high caloric value per cc ingested.
