Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tate's x-ray shows 5 puppies!

Tate's guardian mom and I met at the vets this afternoon and are very excited that five pups showed up on the x-ray!  A nice size litter for our little girl to welcome for the first time. :+)

I am so anxious to see these puppies! Tate is with me as I hold her paw through the last few days of her pregnancy.

I will most likely have to miss my youngest grand-daughter's first birthday as Tate's babies are due the very same day.  I guess we will all be celebrating but in separate places.  :+(

Tate getting familiar with her first home again.


  1. What a sweet face she has. We can't wait to see these puppies, too!

    1. Tate O'Reilly is an 'Irish' sweetheart make no mistake! Even as pregnant as she is, she wanted to meet and greet everyone at the vets. Tale LOVES attention and her happy personality begets it in spades. :+)

  2. Being of Irish descent myself, I can totally relate to this girls personality :-)
