Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I feel like the Easter Bunny....eggs are dropping everywhere!

I have just been informed that my chocolate dilute, Cadbury has come into season. It appears there will be a litter gracing the halls of Annabelle Doodles home bound in August! Cadbury will be bred to the handsome Chico for a dazzling litter of creams, caramels, chocolate dilutes and shimmering blacks. These will be in the 30 pound range with a height of roughly 18 inches. Exceptional wavy coated pups are expected from this pairing. I plan to take Cadbury for her rendezvous in about ten days.

It will be a very busy spring and summer around here.


  1. You are one busy Groodle! Were it possible, we'd take one pup from every litter you have :-) Lila has decided she wants to be a breeder when she grows up, "just like Joyce." She also wants to be a rock star, a veterinarian, and a cowgirl, starting with being a rock star, because then she can make a lot of money, and be able to afford to do the other things:-) Gotta love the logic!

  2. Ha, ha! Oh my gosh that is funny!

    Yes, I will be spinning, but hopefully, I will not need to be shoveling snow every other day along with all the necessities that make up my day.

    It was funny, I realized the other day that I spend almost three hours per day preparing the dogs/pups' food and cleaning up after them.

  3. Haha! Before Albert, I used to complain that I didn't have enough hours in the day to do all the things I needed to do. Apropos of that, Todd asked the other day how many hours I'm spending on Albert each day - prepping food, feeding, cleaning up after feeding, walking, playing, training, bathing, etc. I haven't even wanted to add up the number - and he's only one puppy!

    Frankly, I'm surprised your number isn't higher. Well, just think how much "free" time you'll have once the snow moves on out of there ;-)
