Monday, September 10, 2012

We had x-rays taken today.

Since I had to go to the vet for another dog, I decided to add Olive for the ride.  Luckily, they could x-ray Olive and six pups showed up clearly.  Of course, that is not carved in stone, but they are usually correct.

I have already informed the last two clients for Olive's litter to ask if they wanted to be added to Pearl's upcoming litter.

Pearl's litter of cafes and creams should be going to their homes at the end of January.  Pearl may be bred by this weekend if her progesterone levels are on target. 

I should add that many times, the original client list changes due to 'life's schedules' and clients move up the list.  I will ask for client confirmation once Olive's litter is born and I know colors and gender.
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  1. Thanks for posting a picture of Olive. Look at that belly! She is so precious and beautiful. Is she saying "Okay, isn't it time for these pups to come out now?" Good luck Olive and Joyce on your upcoming adventure. Looking forward to puppy pictures! By the way, all of the Annabelle Doodle Dogs are wonderful and beautiful.

  2. Olive is quite content getting belly rubs every night. She is quite heavy for her - nearly 40 lbs., so I know those babies are happy. I am so hoping there is another 1 or 2 'hiding' in there but they are usually right on the x-ray numbers. When there are very large litters (9+), it is typically more difficult to count skulls and spines, but six is pretty easy to see. :+)

  3. Good luck, Olive and Joyce! I agree, she looks precious and calm. Can't wait to see the puppies.
